Faculty Resources
Resources to support the work and well-being of faculty at Seattle University.
Message from Vice Provost Jodi O’Brien
Welcome! As teacher-scholars, faculty are the hub and heart of our Jesuit Educational Mission. Rooted in a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, Seattle University is nationally recognized for policies and practices that value and reward a broad range of faculty activities. Our holistic approach to faculty development encourages excellence in teaching, scholarship, creative works, community engagement, contribution to public welfare, and institutional leadership. Whether you are a prospective, new, or long-serving faculty member, this portal provides access to resources to support your work and well-being at Seattle University.
Jodi O’Brien, PhD
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Professor of Sociology
Faculty Resources
Center for Faculty Development
The CFD promotes the professional formation of faculty through a scholarly and interdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching, research practice, and professional development.
Office of Sponsored Projects
The OSP supports the SU community with positioning scholarship for external funding, submitting competitive grant proposals, and maintaining compliance with active grant awards.
Center for Digital Learning and Innovation
The CDLI is a place where faculty can explore strategies for incorporating technology into online, hybrid and web-facilitated courses.
Academic Assembly
The Academic Assembly is the elected body through which the faculty participates in decisions involving university-wide academic matters, including student learning and success.
SU Advance
The mission of the SU ADVANCE Program is to support the recruitment, retention, advancement, and professional growth of a diverse faculty.
Center for Jesuit Education
The CJE offers programs and services that foster an understanding of the Jesuit and Catholic mission of Seattle University.
Faculty Handbook
Open Positions
Become an essential part of the Seattle University community and share your talents with us.
Careers at Seattle University
Learn more about working at Seattle University.
Get in Touch
We’re here to help. For information about the Office of the Provost, contact: